Saturday, August 10, 2013

The cost of applying for an MS

I found this in my old archives. I believe I was writing this sometime in May 2007. 6 years ago.

Just wanted to put together how much money can be spent applying to grad school. And these figures are the bare minimum.

1. Cost of US news account - Rs 700 ($15)
2. Cost of TOEFL - Rs 6300 ( $140)
3. Cost of GRE ~ Rs 7000 ($150)
4. Cost of application fees ~ Rs 27000 ($600 - assuming 10 universities X $60)
5. Cost of Sending packets ~ Rs 9500 ( Rs 950 / package - DHL)
6. Cost of Applying for Visa ~ Rs 6000
7. Cost of travelling to Chennai ~ Rs 3000 ( By train - and live in cheap ass place)
8. pay sevis fee - Rs 4400
9. Processing fee for loan - Rs. 4000
Total cost - Rs 67900



Funny how all of that amounts to 1100 USD. Essentially an inconsequential amount. How the lack of money constrains your perspective...