Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Little Green Book


Some interseting comparisons between India and the US:
Overall Population density:
USA: 32 per sq Km.
India: 368 per sq Km.

Rural Population density:
USA: 33 per sq Km.
India: 480 per sq Km.

Per capita Gross National Income:
USA: 43560
India: 730

Percentage Urban population:
USA: 80.8%
India: 28.3%

Agricultural Land:
USA: 45%
India: 61%

USA: 33.1%
India: 22.8%

Energy used per capita (kg-oil):
USA: 7920
India: 531

Energy from fossil fuel:
USA: 71.4%
India: 84%

CO2 emmission per capita:
USA: 19.9
India: 1.2

Passenger cars/ 1000 ppl:
USA: 465
India: 6

Under 5 mortality rate (per 1000 births):
USA: 7
India: 74